Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 17: Schedule Leakage

We were sitting in a development team meeting the other day discussing the development schedule. Bob Hofmann, the architect, indicated that that there may be a leak in the development schedule.

A leak?

I have to say that this was a new term to me but I kind of liked the metaphor. Early on in the process we had developed a schedule of critical dates leading up to tenant occupancy of the building. The schedule is constructed using past experience on things like getting the Site Development Plan submitted and approved. The only problem is that while these schedules are generally conservative, they tend to anticipate things going rather smoothly. When they don't you get a "leak."

Have you ever driven by a real estate development and seen a sign that says something like "Available Fall 2006" and it is now Fall 2007 and the ground is still covered with tumbleweeds?

That would be a project with a schedule leak.

Our schedule leak occurred when our Site Development Plan was rejected last week. The reason it was rejected is because the county has decided that they want us to treat the Whiskey Bottom Road extension as if it were a public road even though this particular portion of the road will remain private. There is no way we could have anticipated this requirement change since the county does not normally require this. These are the types of things that cause a schedule to leak.

Is there a plumber in the house?

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