Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Day 1: Welcome

I have been excited about construction and development ever since I was a kid playing with my Tonka trucks in the backyard. With the exception of brief (and somewhat disastorous) foray into high technology most of my professional life has been in commercial real estate. I have worked with raw land, regional shopping malls, warehouses, flex buildings, and office buildings.

EmersonOne actually started a year ago this month. That is when General Growth Properties (GGP) put out an RFP (Request for Proposals) for a 10.633 acre site in the Emerson Corporate Commons. GGP is the developer of the 570 acre planned community of Emerson. Well located business sites are rare in the heavily developed Baltimore Washington, D.C. corridor along I-95 so there was a great deal of interest among developers for this site.

The development team of Ryan Development and Emory Properties was selected by GGP in early September of last year and the property sale was closed in December.

One year later we are finally getting ready to "move some dirt" and begin the process of getting the building built. We are awaiting Site Development Plan approval from Howard County and with any luck we will begin grading the site this October.

1 comment:

FreeMarket said...

Sounds good. May the rewards outweigh the risks!